Ash Wednesday services will include the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. Childcare is available during the evening services.

Lent is a season when we are guided to the cross. Throughout this holy time, we are drawn to Calvary to live in forgiveness, hope, love, peace, trust and perseverance. We invite you to join us this Lenten season for our Sunday Lenten Worship Series - Guided to the Cross. Each week, the services in this series reveal how Christ and his cross serve as examples for us of how to live our lives for and through our crucified Lord and Savior.

March 9• Guided to Forgiveness (Colossians 1:13-14) When we confess our sins, we find forgiveness in the cross of Christ and are empowered to forgive others.

Week 1 • Guided to Hope (2 Corinthians 1:10) When we are uncertain about what the future holds, we discover in the cross the sure hope of heaven.

Week 2 • Guided to Love (1 Timothy 1:13-14) When we are separated from others and from God by our sin, the cross brings us together through its love.

Week 3 • Guided to Peace (Colossians 1:19-20) With wars waging within and without, the cross settles them all with peace to body, mind and soul.

Week 4 • Guided to Trust (1 Timothy 1:15) Plagued by doubt and competing voices, we turn to the cross to put our trust fully in the salvation won for us there.

Week 5 • Guided to Perseverance (Ephesians 6:18) When we are faced with hardship, we look to Christ on the cross who endured to the end so that we might carry on.

Join us as we Join Jesus on His Mission!

The Sunday morning Bible discussion which meets in the sanctuary between worship times will begin a book study on March 2. “Joining Jesus on His Mission: Show Me How” is a study in the everyday living out the calling of Jesus to share Him with the world around us. We’ll use this book through the months of March and April, leading up to Easter. Books have been purchased through a Thrivent Action Team.

We meet each Sunday from 9:45 to 10:45 in the sanctuary, so grab a cup of coffee first and come and be a part of this study!
